Book Review Requests

Are you an indie author looking to promote your book? I love reading fantasy, YA, middle grade, historical fiction, and clean romance. If your book falls under one or more of those genres, please feel free to reach out!

Please read before submitting your request:

  1. I will usually only accept physical copies (paperback or hardcover) and audio copies (Audible, BookFunnel, or Author’s Direct) for review. However, receiving a complimentary copy of a book will not “buy” a positive review. All of my ratings and reviews will be completely honest, though I hope none are discouraging.
  2. Under the FTC ruling of 2009, all books I receive free of charge will be disclosed at the end of said review.
  3. My main genres include fantasy, YA, middle grade, historical fiction, clean romance, poetry, and, of course, Christian fiction. I do not read erotica, LGBTQ+, or horror.
  4. I will post all accepted review requests on Goodreads, Amazon, Bookbub, B&N, and/or Christianbook, depending on which are applicable. If I did not enjoy a book and/or feel like the book doesn’t fit with the theme of this blog, I may not feature it on this blog.
  5. Please note that sometimes I am overbooked (get it? :D) and reserve the right to decline review requests.

Please leave me a message for a review request or for more information!

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