✵ Strike Out Challenge!

I’m doing something fun and a little different today! I found this challenge through Lifesfinewhine, and though it is old, it looked too fun to pass up. It’s a super simple challenge; I’m just striking out the ones I’ve done before and leaving alone the ones I haven’t done.

Some of these are good things. Some of these are bad. Do follow along and count how many from the list you have done. And let me know your final count in the comments below!

Kissed someone – Nope, unless you count unromantic kisses. 😂

Gone to a rock concert – Haha, also no. I don’t like rock music. I like going to hear beautiful symphonies and such. 😆

Helped someoneOf course!

Gone fishingI went a lot when I was little.

Watched four movies in one night – I think I’d be asleep before the second one finished. 🤣

Lied to someoneWelp.

Failed a subjectI nearly failed three of my courses a year or two ago. At one point, I had good ol’ F’s for Statistics, Computer Science, and U.S. History. It was like a living nightmare, I kid you not. 24/7, I felt like I couldn’t breathe. It was my mom who forced me to finish my work. I choose to think of this as a little miracle, but I actually ended up getting things done and passed all three classes with A’s.

Been in a car accidentWhen I was little, our dad crashed the car while he was backing out of a cramped spot. I remember bursting into tears. 😂

Been in a tsunami – No, but I’ve been in the middle of quite a few tornadoes!

Watched someone die (including pets) – Grateful I haven’t. Unless fish count?

Been to a funeral – Haven’t been to a wedding, either.

Burned yourselfYep, I’m clumsy like that.

Run a marathon – I don’t think I would be capable of such heroic feats.

Spend over 10,000 bucks in one day – Ahaha, this makes me sick just thinking about it!

Flown on an aeroplaneA lot.

Written a 18 page letter (front & back) – I’ve written lots of letters, but never that long! How in love do you have to be to do that?! 😙

Gone skiingYes, it was super fun!

Lost someone you lovedSome are dead. Others are still alive.

Got into trouble for something you didn’t do – The perks of being the eldest of three. 🤷

Stolen a book from a libraryUgh, shameful. I was a middle schooler, and I accidentally walked out of our school library with the book I’d been reading. The sensors didn’t beep, and I was already past them when I realized I had forgotten to check the book out. Then I was afraid to walk back in because then the sensors might actually beep. Obviously, now I would just go back and check the book out, but I didn’t then.

Gone to a different countryI’ve been to Canada and China before. And a million others through books. 😉📚

Gambled in a casino – I have been to a handful of casinos, though.

Been in a school playI was once a reindeer in an Elves’ Impersonator play.

Taken a lie detector test – No, but is there such thing as taking one for fun? (I’d like to take one for fun…)

Voted for someone on a reality TV show – Nah, I don’t watch TV.

Read more than 20 books a year – I’m currently at 125 this year!

Gone to Europe – I missed a chance to go. 😭

Had a surgeryI’ve had ear surgery before.

Had stitches – Nope.

Ridden a tuk-tuk (autorickshaw)Yes!

Had more than 5 IM conversations going on at once – Not with texting but yes with social media.

Been in a fist fight – Not… exactly.

Had a petJust a few beta fish and goldfish.

Petted a wild animalWe rescued a baby bird once, and it was so cute!

Had your own credit card & bought something with it – I know myself well enough to not trust myself with a credit card. 😂

Dyed your hair – Maybe when I was very young.

Got a tattoo – Nope, and I don’t think I’m going to.

Had something pierced – I’ve wanted my ears pierced since I was seven. 😭

Got a straight A – I would expect no less of myself.

Taken pictures with a webcamYeah, of course!

Gone to sleep with music on – Literally all the time. 😂

I removed a few of the original questions because they might not be appropriate for everyone.

I would also like to nominate the following blogs/bloggers to do this challenge if they so wish. 🥰

Bookworm Hollow

Issabelle Perry

Lillian Keith

Project Pursue Wisdom

Reviews From the Stacks

Saraina Whitney

Sisters Three

And that’s all for now! I hope you have a beautiful day. ✨

64 thoughts on “✵ Strike Out Challenge!

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  1. Lol! I’ve never gotten my ears pierced, but I honestly dont wear jewelry much with the exception of friendship necklaces 😂 Great post!
    That’s SOOOOOOOOOOO cool that you’ve been to Canada!!! I’ve moved a lot, but I’ve never been outside the USA😥 And omgoodness, how do you get straight A’s????? You must teach me your ways!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I did 21! …..Love your blog! …..One day I may start one of my own. Been thinking about it for a while, but still haven’t did it. So glad you finally started yours!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, same as me! I’d bet we didn’t have exactly the same things crossed out, though. Hey, if you want to start a blog, you should go for it! A year from now, you’ll probably wish you started today. 😊 Do let me know if you have any questions about blogging, and thank you so much for visiting!


    1. I’m so glad to hear that!! 🤗 I’d thought seriously about making a blog for more than a year before mine finally launched. Don’t be afraid to take that leap of faith! 💕 Blogging is great fun, and I hope to see you around more here. 😊


    1. It’s an old tag from years ago that my new blogger self decided to try. 😆 I think I might have some permanent anxiety owing to that unfortunate experience, though.

      By the way, I took a look at your blog, and it looks so fun! I’d love to try some of the challenges and tags you host. 🤗


  3. AHH I LOVE THIS!!! And omg US History is a KILLER, the amount of portion is INSANE!! AND WOAHH 125 BOOKS IS INSANELY COOL!!! TEACH ME YOUR WAY HAHAH!!
    adored this so so much!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. THANKS! 🤗🤗🤗 Ugh, I’m so glad you understand! I went in not understanding how to approach studying and such. My younger siblings are so lucky because they can learn form my unfortunate mistakes. 😆

      Hm . . . Maybe I should make a blog post titled something like “How to Read 100+ Books a Year”? 😄💓

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  4. Thanks so much for the tag, Lily! Sorry, Saraina just told us you tagged us, we’ve been just like…swamped and so busy we’ve probably missed a ton of tags by people…lol…but we are excited to do this one! So, thank you for the tag!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Anytime, you guys! ❤️❤️❤️ It’s okay; I know that feeling. Just curious, though, but how can one know when one is tagged, anyway? I was tagged yesterday and only saw because I read the post in my Reader. I’m so excited to see all your answers!


      1. Thanks, Lily….um, there’s some way to create a pingback, but we have yet to figure that one out…lol…But some sites don’t do pingbacks so it’s hard to figure the best way to do it…lol…Yeah, that happens to us a lot. We try to read all the tag posts or at least scan then and check to see if we were tagged but lately life has been so busy…haha…we’re excited to do it!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I just got a pingback today from an unknown website that reblogged one of my posts. I’m not really sure how I feel about it yet, so I’m not going to approve or delete it. I can see when I’ve made a pingback from my own posts, but I don’t think WordPress lets me know when others link my posts unless it’s a reblog. Ah well.

          You guys must have a lot going on what with the book releases and all that. I’m praying that things can slow down for y’all soon! 🤎

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  5. Sorry I am late! I’ve gotten majorly behind in the blogosphere. BUT I LOVE THIS TAG IDEA LIKE SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR TAGGING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Girl, you missed a chance to go to Europe?? HOW??? If the chance ever comes up again, YOU MUST TAKE ME WITH YOU. *puppy dog eyes* That’s also SO cool how you’ve been to Canada and China before!! Canda is another place I’d really like to see one day! Just gotta get over me fear of planes… *awkward cough* And yes, I have no idea why I said “me fear” XD And that car accident sounds sooo scary! And tbh I know having your ears pierced sounds really cool, but it’s not. At least, it wasn’t for me. XD Anyway, girlie, I LOVED LOVED LOVED THIS POST and can’t wait to try out the tag for myself!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s okay!! 🤗❤️ I’m glad you saw the tag, though! I’m also majorly afraid of getting behind when it comes to blogging. 😆

      You’re one of the first people I thought of when I did this tag!! Ughh, yesss, I did miss a chance to go to Europe! My dad takes a lot of business trips (he’s an business professor), and he had conferences in both Holland and Italy. It ended up being that the trip took place during my last week of school, though, and so I naively said I couldn’t go because of that. What a shame, really, you know?

      I shall take you with me!! 😁💼✈️✨ (Can you tell that I love emojis? 😆) Haha, you said “me fears” because you’re secretly a pirate, of course! 😉 Canada was sooo fun. If you ever go, Old Montreal is a must-see! I still have daydreams about that place. 😂

      Whaaaat, do spill da beans! You said, “And tbh I know having your ears pierced sounds really cool, but it’s not. At least, it wasn’t for me. XD” Now you must explain! 😂😂

      I’m giddily anticipating your take on this one! ✨❤️❤️

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      1. AWWW I AM!!!! That just makes me feel so special. 😊 YES WHAT A SHAME! That would’ve been SO cool, especially to see Italy which is my third favorite country! (It’s the pasta. I am positively obsessed with pasta. XD)

        YES YOU MUST. (Hahaha I love your Emojis! They’re make your comment SO fun!!!) Of course I am secretly a pirate. You may call me Cap’n Perry. (And that’s not CAPTAIN Perry, it’s CAP’N Perry. Very important you distinguish the difference. XD) Ooo I will definitely remember that then!!!!

        Hahahaha, okay this is what happened. I actually never wanted my ears pierced but then my two older sisters were getting them pierced and in the moment, I was just like why not. Maybe because it HURT so badly and my oldest sister still has the picture (and video too I think) of me cringing in pain. Which I wished she would delete. XD But anyways, then you have to clean them like twice a day for several weeks so they don’t get infected which was more work than I wanted. And then the first time I took the earrings out, I may or may not have freaked out with the hole in my ear (even though it’s very small) and passed out. XD SO all that to say, getting my ears pierced was not cool for me. But it could just be Is Issue #43. XD

        EEEEK YES SO AM I!!!!!!

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        1. Yes, you were!! 😊🤗❤️

          You love pasta, too?! I don’t know what it is about the dish (maybe it’s how easy it is to cook or the herbs you can add or the sauce or just the taste in general), but I really do like pasta a lot. What do you love most about the food? Also, when it comes to Italy, I’ve always, always wanted to vacation in Venice. I forgot if I’ve already said that, though. 😆

          Right, because we all need emojis to get into the spirit of it all! Here’s some more for Italy. Mwahaha. 🇮🇹🍕🇮🇹🎭🇮🇹🛶🇮🇹🌆🇮🇹🍝🇮🇹

          Aye, aye, Cap’n Perry! *salutes you with dignity* 🏴‍☠⚓

          WOW. No way!! That sounds like a crazy story! How long ago did you pierce your ears, then? And do you regret doing it, Cap’n Perry? You must realize that earrings are essential to piratehood, right? 🤣🤗



    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, this made my day!! ☕💛💛 It took me way too long to get my blog up! I went through at least five themes and had to trash everything once. 🤣 And even now, I’m tempted to mess with everything again and change the aesthetic into a light academia one. 😳 It’s all worth it, though, when I can meet amazing people like you through blogging!

      Hahaha, this post was incredibly fun to make! The book was a Raina Telgemeeir version of The Baby-Sitters Club: Claudia and Mean Janine. 🤣 Did you also read those when you were younger?


    1. It’s okay!! ❤️ Haha, my first thought when I saw this tag was also, “This looks so fun!” 😊 We vacationed in Las Vegas, so basically all the hotels around had a casino. 😂😂

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        1. That’s cool! I’ve never actually been to the Villagio Gardens, but we did visit a lot of the hotels. 😂 The Venetian, Bellagio, The Mirage, Excalibur, MGM, etc. They were all honestly SO beautiful!

          No, I didn’t, actually! That’s crazy; was it very bad?

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          1. *facepalm* I realized I spelled it wrong; I meant the Bellagio XD *silly me*. But, yeah, the architecture is stunning! Which was your favorite?

            My mom read that the strip got flooded, but people kept gambling anyway *eye roll*. I think the water has receded by now, though I guess there’ll be some major clean up.

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          2. Ohh! That makes much more sense. 😆 Goodness, The Venetian was like an absolute dream! You should Google it and see for yourself if you haven’t already! I could rant about it all day. 😅😍😍 It had gondola rides and indoor shops, beautiful music and twisting streets, street performances and a ceiling that imitated the real sky. There was even a lifelike statue that was actually a real person. 😂 I stood in front of the guy for a long time trying to decide if I wanted to get onto the platform and poke the statue to make sure it was actually marble. Good thing I didn’t!

            I just heard on the radio today about some floods in the west. That must’ve been related to the one you mentioned. *sighs* I could swear gambling must be like an addiction to some people!

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          3. Oh, yes, I remember the gondolas! I also remember the statues too. We had some ice cream and watched the guy just stand there. I don’t know how he does it for so long.

            *sighs* Yeah, it must be.

            Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, I know, right? I suppose if someone were to mortgage a car or a home? Or for people who live in foreign countries!

      It was also super fun to write! Feel free to do it on your blog, too, if you’d like! 😉🤗

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  7. What a fun challenge! I also am the eldest of three siblings. My dad once grounded me for defending myself against my younger brother. So, yep, been in trouble for something my younger siblings instigated.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. AH, goodness, I want to say that I can’t relate, but I do a lot! I remember my sisters purposefully blaming me for things I didn’t do “for the fun of it” and my parents automatically believing them over me. 😂 They’re much better sisters now, but when people say it’s easy to be the eldest, they’re wrong!

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  8. I got 19!

    …. What exactly do you mean you didn’t “exactly” get into a fistfight??? 😉

    (Also, for the straight A’s: I think it’s spelled “accept”)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, goodness. I can’t believe I missed the error. 😭 It’s supposed to be “expect”, but I type too fast for my own good. 😂

      As for the fistfight… Suffice it to say that I went to a school that was a little “ghetto”. I haven’t gotten into anything serious, but it was very easy to find oneself stuck in the middle of big hallway fights. 😐


  9. Lol poor middle-schooler you when you accidentally stole the book from the library!! I probably would have done the same thing, though (not going back in case the sensors would beep). 😂 *cringes* And wow, you’ve never been to a wedding or funeral?! Oo, that definitely would be so cool if the first wedding you experience would be your own. 😉

    This was such a fun post and I’m excited to do it myself! Thank you for tagging me! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Loll, I know! I could swear my youngest sister has read the book I took some 7 times, though. 💀 Haha, I actually stood there for a minute or two trying to decide what I should do. I even wondered if the sensors might not sound an alarm if I went back in with my arms lifted above my head. 🤣

      I hope I never have to go to a funeral, but a wedding would be so lovely!

      I loved the responses in your post, by the way. 😊 This was such a fun challenge to complete!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. HAHAHA!!! That is too funny!!!

        Exactly! Yes! My favorite was my cousin’s wedding – so lovely! ❤

        Aww, thank you! Yessss, it IS such a fun challenge. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Hello! It’s Samantha, from Bookshire, popping over to say hi. 😊

    Wow, you went from F’s in 3 classes to A’s? That’s amazing!! I would have been a ball of complete freakout at that point.

    Ooh, you’ve been to China? That’s super cool! Did you like it there?

    I think my final count was 21! That’s kind of crazy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Samantha!! Thanks for visiting; it’s so lovely to see you here! (And I can’t wait to do the Silmaril Awards with y’all this fall. 😍)

      Lol, I did freak out. It was extremely embarrassing and I cried a lot, too. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the feeling, and I don’t ever want to feel it again! 😂

      Yes, it was beautiful! The food was amazing, the culture was vibrant, and we saw lots of super adorable pandas!


  11. Ooh thanks for nominating us!! I got my ears pierced this summer and I almost passed out 😬😂 Not from the pain. It really didn’t hurt much. It’s just … needles and I don’t seem to get along very well 😂 And you’ve read 125 books this year?! 😦 That is really impressive. And here I thought 46 was doing good. 😪🤣

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Of course!! ❤️ Goodness, you really scared me there for one moment! I was going to ask how much it had to have hurt to make you pass out, but then I kept reading and felt somewhat more comforted. 😅

      Yes, I’ve read more books this year than ever before! I got to 150 last year with a bit of struggling, but it felt much more natural this year. It just depends on how busy your lifestyle is, you know? I most likely won’t have as much time to read this fall and next year.

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        1. Oh no! 😂 I did realize pretty early on that good clip ons are difficult to find. They’re usually either much too loose (and fall off) or much too tight (and hurt your ears!). Good ones are so worth it, though!

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    1. Ahhhh, you’re getting a website? 😍 I just saw it’s linked to your comment; I can’t wait to see it when you’ve got it finalized!

      Right, such tragedy. 😭😭😭 With my luck, the first wedding I experience will probably be my own.


        1. Aw, oh no! 😭 It says “Mary Emma Sivils” and “Coming Soon” when I click into it. Does this mean that you’ll consider picking it up again? 😏


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